In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Here is the little poem that went along with the above verse on the Promise card:

“God understands your weakness, He knows the tempter’s power; and He will walk beside you, however dark the hour!” – Unknown


I’ve heard this verse quoted since I was a little kid, and since becoming an adult, I have experienced it…literally; so I should not only know it’s words…but I should at this point in my life realize the truth…the power, in this verse!

Yet, here I am again, going through some stuff; and while my boat is hurled about upon the waters of life’s troubled sea, I find myself doubting – once again.  When you’re in a storm, holding on for dear life, it’s difficult to “be of good cheer.”

But…the only way to have peace…to stay comforted in times of trouble, is to KNOW who the Captain of your boat is.  To realize He is guiding your ship.  To remember He walked on water! To be certain that He commands the winds and waves…He calms the storm!

If you KNOW Jesus as your Lord and Savior, yet you  find yourself worried, fearful of the outcome regarding a certain situation- remind yourself WHO pilots your boat…WHO has His hands on the wheel…WHO is at the helm and in control.  It’s JESUS!  And like the song says,

” There are some promises in a letter

Written a long, long time ago

They’re not getting older,

They’re getting better

Because He still wants us to know

He didn’t bring us this far, to leave us

He didn’t teach us to swim, to let us drown

He didn’t build his home in us, to move away

He didn’t lift us up, to let us down

He didn’t lift us up, to let us down

Never use the word defeat

Claim His promises, every one of them

Every spoken word He’ll hear

Because we’re everything to Him!”

It is unclear who wrote this song, but it is believed to be a Tim Shephard song.  It has been performed by many artists, including the Imperials

Whoever wrote it, or has sung it in the past, we must remember the words, and take them to heart!

GOD IS IN CONTROL…so let go of the wheel, raise your hands in Praise…and trust the Master to safely guide you through your storm!
